Soave Classico Bolla, DOC
100% Garganega grapes grown in historical hill-side vineyards on mineral rich volcanic soils. The old vines, of 25+ years, produce straggly and light bunches with characteristic golden berries.
The vineyards are south facing at an altitude of about 350-450 metres above sea level. Soils of volcanic origin and rich in minerals, on steep slopes furrowed by ancient dry stone terracing.
Grapes are picked from late September to mid-October and immediately undergo soft crushing with short cold maceration. Once alcoholic fermentation is finished the wine is left on the lees until bottling, which is scheduled for the end of the winter.
This wine is one of the ‘Retro’ range that draws on the procedures of traditional wine-making as well as Bolla’s stylish labels from the 1960s.
Rich in aromatics: fragrant and perfumed floral and balsam notes. A very refreshing, rounded palate with a rich texture; notes of soft candied fruits with an intense and long finish.
Can be cellared for 3 years.
About the Producer
The winery was founded in Soave in 1883 by Alberto Bolla who developed a passion for wine spending much of his time in the cellar of his parent’s tavern. He decided to start selling the local white wine to other taverns in Soave, soon expanding his business as far as Verona and even Venice.
The 1930s marked a turning point for Bolla with the arrival in the company of Alberto’s oldest son, Giorgio, an oenologist and admirer of wines of excellence. In 1931 re realised the potential of the territory for producing quality red wines, Alberto opened a winery in Pedemonte in the heart of the Valpolicella Classica zone. Thus started the production of reds such as Recioto, Valpolicella and subsequently Amarone, in addition to the already renowned Soave whites which were still being produced in the original winery.
In the following years, their market continued to expand both in Italy and abroad and particularly in the USA where the Bolla brand became an icon of Italian taste and style.
The winery now has more than 300ha of vineyards in Valploicella Classico, Soave and around Lake Garda. Gruppo Italiano Vini completed the acquisition of the company in 2006 with the aim of preserving the values handed down by the various generations of the Bolla family based on quality, passion and respect for the territory.
Winemaker Christian Zulian joined Gruppo Italiano Vini as director of Cantina Bolla In 2015.