Morgenrot specialise in the import and distribution of quality wines, imported world lagers and craft beers.

Working closely with independent producers we gladly apply the term ‘craft’ to both our beers and wines. At Morgenrot we try to break from the traditional look of labels, we insist on retaining the essence of truly hand-crafted wine and beer. From the outset, we have striven to work with people who make their wines with honesty, passion and respect for their native regions; then add style, flair and a touch of humour.

Our beer, lager and cider portfolio consists of AlhambraAvalon Sidra, Birra Alpetti, Eichbaum, Founders, Krombacher, Maeloc Cider, Okanagan, QuilmesSleeman, Unibroue, Windhoek.

Belgium brewery Haacht supply Primus lager, a large range of fruit and craft beers under the SUPER 8 brand and Tongerlo Abbey ale.

In addition we import premium no/low alcohol beers from vandeStreek and UK craft beers are covered by our own Northern Star range.

Our entire portfolio is available directly into the trade in the North, London, the South East and the South West, and selected lines throughout the UK by national distributors and independent regional wholesalers.

Our wines and beers are available mail-order from our non-trade division –  The Northern Wine & Beer Co.

We also offer corporate wine gifts and an own label service.

Our company policy on Environmental Sustainability and Labour Exploitation can be viewed via these links.

Our Extended Producer Liability clause is now included as paragraphs 14 in the updated Terms and Conditions.